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You can choose from 7 available ad formats:
  • → Engaged
  • → Push notifications
  • → In-page notifications
  • → Pops – Model: CPC, CPM and CPA
  • → Banner
  • → Native
  • → Calendar
For each format, you may choose to target all available devices or select from:
  • → Mobile
  • → Desktop
  • → Tablet


Our IT team will closely collaborate with our designers to create a customized pre-lander for your offer. With this personalized and targeted approach, you can expect to attract and retain highly engaged clicks, leading to a significant increase in conversion rates and ultimately maximizing the success of your campaign.

  • • Reach highly engaged users
  • • Enhanced Conversion Rate

When should you use push notifications? In highly competitive markets, utilizing this traffic can give advertisers an edge over their competitors. The tailored pre-lander and the focus on highly engaged clicks can help attract and convert a more receptive audience, resulting in a higher likelihood of success compared to generic traffic sources.


In-page push ads are a new ad format that emerged at the end of 2019. In-page push ads are very similar to traditional push notifications, but instead of being an actual alert notification, they are a part of our publisher’s website. This allows them to work on all browsers and platforms including iOS, but it limits them to only be shown while a user is visiting a webpage. In-page push ads have a higher CTR then traditional push since the users are on that page at that moment so the probability that they will see the ad is 100%. Since it’s a relatively new ad format, now is the best time to test your top campaigns and make the most profits.

  • • High CTR
  • • All devices (iOS available)
  • • Immediate
  • • Appears on a website
  • • Broader audience
  • • User friendly
  • • Don’t require opt in
  • • User freshness not relevant
Top Verticals:
  • • Ecommerce
  • • Crypto
  • • Casino
  • • Finance
  • • Survey
  • • Dating
  • • Games
  • • VAS
  • • Utilities

In-page push notifications are perfect to increase your audience since you can now reach iOS users using a push ad. You should also use in-page push ads as a complement to your push notification campaigns so you can reach the users, regardless if they are or not browsing. In content related websites the CTRs are much higher than in other formats.


Pops are a new broswer windows or tabs that appear over the main or active window when the user is browsing. The ads appear automatically during the browsing session and display the landing page you are advertising.

  • • Cheap ad format
  • • Great for testing
  • • 2.5% Avg CRs
  • • Easy optimization
  • • Huge volumes
  • • Easy to start – no concerns about the ads, just the landing pages
Top Verticals:
  • • Apps & utilities
  • • Lead Gen
  • • Dating
  • • VAS (Pin Submits)
  • • Sweepstakes
  • • Dating
  • • Games
  • • Crypto
  • • Casino
  • • Adult
Model:CPC & CPM

When should you use pops? Because Pops are so cheap, they are one of the most common formats to test new landing pages and to run AB tests. Pops are perfect for certain verticals such as apps and utilities, lead generation, casino and adult. Pops are also a must-try format if you’re not getting the results you’re looking for with other formats, like display. Pops overcome “banner blindness” issues since the users have to interact with pop ads more consciously.


Calendar is a new ad format, where the ads are scheduled directly on the device’s calendar of the user. Just like push notifications, the user needs to agree previously, to receive the ads. The possibility of personalized communication and the limited volumes are two of the reasons why this ad format has such high performance in digital campaigns.

  • • Personalized communication
  • • No visual competition from other ads or other content
  • • The user has agreed to receive ads

When should you use calendars? Because it is not a low-cost ad format and there aren’t a lot of volumes available, Calendar ads should essentially be used in campaigns there were already tested and where your goal is to get top quality traffic rather than huge volumes (to scale).


Display ads are the most common ad format in digital advertising. It is a spot within a website that is filled with an advertiser’s banner. It is available for all devices and all operating systems in the dimensions of 300×250 and 300×100.

  • • Huge Volumes
  • • Ease of scalability and optimization
  • • Common and familiar format to the user

When should you use banners? It is an ideal ad format for both testing and scaling, with lots of volumes available. It is a common format and therefore the advertiser must always be where all the competition is, to avoid losing opportunities.


Native ads are display ads that are integrated in a very natural way within the content of the site. They match the look, feel and function of the media format in which they appear. Users tend to engage up to 25% more with native ads than regular banner ads.

  • • Perfectly fits the publisher’s content
  • • It’s not perceived as advertising by the user
  • • Present on popular websites

When should you use natives? Due to the nature of the ad format and the excellent results it delivers, it’s very popular in some specific verticals such as casino, betting, Nutra or crypto. To achieve the best results, we recommend optimizing the flow so that it makes sense to the user, from the site to the offer.
Yes, we have millions of unique push notifications users and a huge volume of in-page push ads from our own websites. This is what we consider “Premium” traffic and the CTRs are usually much higher since we control the base to ensure it’s not saturated. If you want to target these users you can do that in our platform by selecting the format you’re looking for and choosing “Premium” in traffic type.
The bidding methods vary with the selected type of traffic:
  • → Engaged: CPC bidding
  • → Push: CPC bidding
  • → In-page: CPC bidding
  • → Pops: CPM, CPC & CPA bidding
  • → Calendar: CPC bidding
  • → Banner: CPC bidding
  • → Native: CPC bidding
TrafficNomads accepts advertisers from all kinds of verticals, and, unless your landing page and/or ad go against our regulation, you are free to promote it. Influenced by the format selected, the most frequent verticals are:
  • • Casino
  • • Sweepstakes
  • • E-Commerce
  • • Dating
  • • Crypto
  • • VAS
  • • Nutra
  • • Apps & Utilities
If you want to promote a different vertical, contact your account manager for media buying tips.
To find information about the volumes available and respective average prices you should visit Rates. You can search by traffic type and country and you will get the average results from the last 3 days. Please note that Rates is based on the data of around 40% of our publishers only, so there might be opportunities and different rates for Premium sources. To unlock all sources and study particular scenarios please contact our support team.
    Creating a campaign is quite easy and fast. Look for the button Create Campaign at the top of your screen.
      Once the page opens, start by giving a name to your campaign. We suggest using a name system that makes it easier to locate it later. Select the vertical and the advertising format you wish to run.
        If it is a POP campaign insert the destination URL and the bid model you wish: CPC or CPM. Select the targeting preferences for the campaign such as country, carrier, device, timeframe and finally the maximum bid you want to pay.
          If you are starting a campaign in a different ad formats, select the targeting preferences for the campaign such as country, carrier, device, frequency, timeframe and user activity level.
            Insert the CPC bid you wish to pay and then you are all set to create the ad. In Ad Creation insert the images, copies and urls.
              Click on “Submit Campaign” and your campaign will be reviewed by our moderation team before it starts getting traffic.
Campaign approval usually takes less than 30 minutes and campaigns start receiving traffic shortly thereafter. The review proccess is not suspended during the weekend.
If your campaign has passed moderation but still has no traffic, there might be a few reasons:
  • → Bid is too low, so you are not winning any traffic in the auction. Try to increase your bid.
  • → Contraditory campaign settings. For example, if you’ve chosen desktop targeting for Android OS.
  • → Campaign schedule. Check your shedule settings to make sure you didn’t configure the campaign to start in another day or time of day
If the problem persists, contact your account manager.
If your campaign is not receiving traffic, please check if:
  • → The campaign has at least 1 approved creative
  • → There is traffic available for the targeted country & device
  • → The campaign bid is competitive
  • → You have enough balance (below 20$ our system starts pausing campaigns)
If your targeting options are too narrow or if there is much competition for the selected segment, please try to increase the campaign bid and/ or CTR, in order to raise your Win Rate. In case the problem continues, please contact your account manager.
If your campaign was rejected it was because of a violation of one or several points of the rules described on our Terms and Conditions. All the rejections are informed by email, stating the specific reason of the decision. If you want to dispute the decision, please contact your account manager.
The minimum daily campaign budget is $20.
Your statistics table is full of relevant information you can use to manage and optimize your campaigns.The most important metrics you should look for are:
  • Impressions – the number of ad impressions you received
  • Clicks – the number of clicks on your campaign creatives
  • Conversions – the number of conversions or leads you’ve got
  • CTR (Click-Through Rate) – the ratio of the number of clicks on the creative to the number of impressions
  • CR (Conversion Rate) – the ratio of number of conversions to the number of clicks
  • CPA (Cost Per Action) – the cost of each lead or conversion
  • CPC (Cost Per Click) – the cost of each click
  • EPC (Earning Per Click) – how much you have earned per click
  • ROI (Return on Investment) – how efficient is your investment (Income from investments – size of investments / Size of investments * 100%)
  • Revenue – how much you have earned in total
Inside the Traffic Nomads platform you will find a lot of tools that will help you manage your account smoothly and create the most awesome campaigns without a lot of effort.
  • Campaign Stats & Optimization  A comprehensive table with all the most important KPIs to manage all your campaigns in one single place. Compare results, edit, stop and restart campaigns, adjust bids per campaign or zone, and much more.
  • Rates  A toll you can visit to check available volumes, average bids and CTRs. Select the filters you want to get the most accurate results and easily adjust your campaign.
  • Reports  In reports you can get all the additional data about the results of your campaigns or visualize your results by a different KPI like date, country, format, device and much more.
  • Finance Update your billing details, visualize your payments history and get the invoices for your accounting team.
When creating a campaign, you may choose the following targeting options:
  • → Country
  • → Connection type: wifi, carrier traffic
  • → Carrier(s)
  • → Traffic type: premium, standard and remnant
  • → OS: Android, iOS, Windows
  • → Device: mobile, desktop, tablet
  • → User activity level: low, medium, high (for push notifications)
  • → Schedule
  • → IP ranges
  • → Publishers: whitelist, blacklist
For other targeting needs or doubts, please contact your account manager.
Yes, we offer a global carrier targeting system. If you want to target specific mobile carriers you can easily do this when creating or editing a campaign by choosing the carrier(s) you wish to receive traffic from “Campaign Targeting” in Create/Edit Campaign. If for some reason the carrier you’re looking for isn’t listed, please contact support.
The vertical associated to a campaign in the campaign creation section is merely indicative, and it is not used for campaign targeting.
There are two ways of creating a publisher blacklist: Exclude publishers directly on the stats dashboard, when optimizing a campaign. Edit campaign and enter the publisher list, selecting the option “Blacklist” (values separated by comma and a space).To create a whitelist, edit the campaign and enter the publisher list, selecting the option “Whitelist” (values separated by comma and a space).Contact your account manager, if you have any trouble during the process.
Premium traffic zones are zones that feature our own, exclusive, internal user base. You may spot them in the zone section of the optimization dashboard tagged with the image If you wish to target only these zones, select the “Premium” option on the Traffic Type targeting field.
In the campaign creation section, you may target one or more user activity levels. These levels are groups of users who have been divided by their subscription period. Hence, the high level contains users who have subscribed more recently, whereas the low level contains users who have subscribed longer ago. The high level tends to display a much higher CTR/ Open Rate than the low level, but it requires a higher bid and there are fewer impressions available. For more information on user activity levels, please contact your account manager.
When creating a campaign, you may select one, two or all traffic type options. Traffic Nomads traffic sources are continuously organized in the following categories: premium, standard and remnant.
    • → Premium Direct and exclusive traffic sources, with proven high conversion rates. Premium traffic tend to display a much higher CTR/Open Rate than the lower levels, but it requires a higher bid and there might be fewer impressions available.
    • → Standard Third party traffic sources that were already tested and displayed an standard engagement and conversion rate.
    • → Remnant Third party traffic sources with lower conversion rate but great volumes. Remnant traffic is recommended for AB testing since you can increase volumes quickly and reach new audiences at a lower price. Remnant traffic also includes all new sources that were not tested yet.
Contact your account manager for more details about our traffic type options.
Sources are specific publishers where your ad is running, which can be very broad. Zones offer more details than sources and they are essential for an accurate optimization. Keep in mind that usually you will see a huge number of zones so it might be a good idea to download an Excel file since each app or website might have thousands of zones.

There are two ways of pausing or reactivating creatives: Pause/ enable ads directly on the stats dashboard, when optimizing a campaign. Edit campaign and pause/ enable the intended creative variation.

Contact your account manager, if you have any trouble during this process.

There are two ways of pausing or reactivating zones: Exclude/ enable publishers directly on the stats dashboard, when optimizing a campaign.Edit campaign and enter/ delete the publisher list, selecting the option “Blacklist” (values separated by comma and a space).

Contact your account manager, if you have any trouble during this process.

To set a bid for a specific zone, access the stats dashboard and the “Zone” tab. You may enter a specific bid for each line (zone). Consider your current Win Rate per zone, to find out how much more traffic you may get by increasing the zone’s bid.

1 – The main objective is for the system to act quickly to block zones that have poor results, blocking those that reach 3x the CPA Target. This optimization is done from the start of the campaign. In addition to being able to bid strongly on Zones that deliver the best results, all automatically.

2 – The campaign begins by entering a trial period, the extent of which depends on the target. This period is used to collect data so that the first editions of bids are based on consistent data. You can check the evolution of the test period at any time in the campaign status.

3 – After that period, you will see that the CPCs for each zone start to look different, according to the difference they have for the CPA Target:

Zones with positive ROIs will increase bids in order to get more quality traffic

Zones with negative ROIs will drop the bids to a level that puts them closer to the CPA Target. If this level is lower than the minimum bid, then the zone is blocked

1 – When creating a CPA campaign you will have to choose the amount you want to pay for each conversion and the test budget.

2 – After the campaign is approved, it enters the test period in which a base CPM is applied according to the selected segment. In this period conversions are not paid.

3 – After spending the test budget, your campaign can be paused or it can be successful, in this case it will continue to receive traffic but on a pure CPA basis. The volume that your campaign will receive will depend on the CPA and the conversion rate obtained in the test period.

For push and in-page notifications traffic, please make sure that your campaign creatives respect the following requirements:

→Main image: 760x360px (200kb max, .jpg or .png)

→Icon image: 192×192(200kb max, .jpg or .png)

→Title character limit: 40

→Description character limit: 60

→Assign a badge

→Nudity and trademarks in the banner images or the landing page is not completely forbidden but you should avoid it as it will reduce the number of sources available.

For calendar traffic, please make sure your campaign creatives follow these requirements:

→Title: Up to 30 characters

→Description: up to 40 characters

For display/banner traffic, please make sure your campaign creatives follow these requirements:

→Banner size: 300×250 or 300×100, Max 720kb

For native traffic, please make sure your campaign creatives follow these requirements:

→Size: 300×300, Max 720kb

We do not allow the following types of products or services:


→Offensive content

→Hateful content

→llegal products and services

→Malware, phishing, malicious software

→se of registered trademarks without their consent

→Use of celebrity image without their consent

Contact your account manager, in case of further doubts regarding creative restrictions.

We do not allow the following products and services:

→Offensive content

→Hateful content

→Illegal products and services

→Malware, phishing, malicious software

→Use of registered trademarks without their consent

→Use of a celebrity image without their consent

Contact your account manager, in case of further doubts regarding creative restrictions.

You can track conversions (or other actions) and manage your campaigns by following the steps below:

1. Setting a conversion value in Create campaign > Total Traffic Available & Campaign Bid > Set Conversion Value (Fixed)

2. Add the following macros to your URL in Create Campaign > Ad Creation > Insert Ad URL

3. Return the clickid upon conversion using the postback url[clickid]

If your campaign has a variable payout skip step 1, add &payout={payout} to the postback and return the value with each conversion.

If you require further assistance, please contact your account manager.

Macros are important to receive additional information automatically in your system.

Currently we support the following macros:


To receive this information, you should replace the macros in Create Campaign > Ad Creation > Insert Ad URL

For example:{sourceid}&cid={cid}

Should be replaced by:{pubid}&cid={clickid}

If you wish to add funds to your account you can use the following payment methods:

  • → Wire transfer
  • → Credit Card
  • → Paypal
  • → Paxum
  • → Capitalist
  • → USDC

Paypal is blocked by default for most of the accounts so please contact if you wish to pay via Paypal. To unlock Paypal you might be asked to share some ID and Paypal account details.

Please note that Paxum is not available at the self-service platform so please contact if you wish to use this payment method.

For wire transfers, you may upload your proof of payment in the “Payments History” section, to speed up the process.

The minimum transfer amount is 50$.

Due to Portuguese and European Union VAT Directives, please note that a VAT rate of 22% will be applied to all costs, to Portuguese companies or individuals. Companies from outside the EU will not be charged VAT.

The minimum amount to charge your account is 50 USD.

To add balance please click on “Add Funds” button on top of your screen, select desired payment method and enter the amount (minimum 50$).

The funds will be available automatically if you top up with Paypal, Capitalist, CC or USDC. If you choose to pay by wire transfer the funds will be available as soon as they are received by our accounting team.

Invoices will be issued and sent every calendar month by email with the real spenditure for the previous month.

On the platform you can get a pro forma invoice in Finance > Payment History > select date range. Click on the PDF icon to download the pro forma invoice.

Please note that we use the information you provide in My Account and Billing Details to generate the invoices, so it is important to keep this info updated and correct at all times.

For any queries related to invoices please contact your account manager.

Our minimum refund is 50$. If you are not satisfied with the traffic you have received from us, you can always ask for a refund for any unused balance left in your account.
We apologize for any inconviences but because of transfer costs, we have implemented a minimum refundable amount of $50.
We appreciate any feedback that our clients might have so feel free to drop us a line to the problem is not with our traffic but with the results, we always advise our clients to talk to the account manager so we can try to help you achieve better results.